Friday 24 August 2012

Lewis and Josh meet Tim and Eric

Today my good friend Josh (centre with the glasses) and I went to the UK premiere of Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie at the Prince Charles Cinema just off from Leicester Sq. London.

The Screening was preceded by a jocular introduction from the wizards themselves, and rounded off with a pretty hilarious Q&A. 

The evening began with me running out for a quick wee just before show time.  It was then that I bumped into Tim Heidecker in the men's room.  Aaaarh! I've just come face to face with a cult-famous wizard and hero.  I panicked throughout the duration of my urination. As I returned to the cinema I realised the lobby had cleared - I was the last one in, but wait - who await me in the corridor? Aaaaaah its Tim and Eric.  I don't know what to do!  I go all awkward and gushy as they start berating me for being late with a standard 'What the F%$£ are you doing?' and a moment of being ushered into the cinema by two living dream weavers. I did what any grown man would do when put on the spot by famous masterminds - I pointed to my willy and tried to explain that I had been for a pee.

They gave a wild introduction to the film, which included sprinting round the cinema high-fiving the audience and invoking a group deep breathing session.  We watched the film - I had seen quite alot of it already (not strictly legally as it came out in America a few months ago and obviously leaked online). I had been pretty disappointed watching it alone on a crappy website - the narrative formula just didn't work for Tim and Eric's type of comedy in the same way that the 11 minute Awesome Show episodes are a wonder to behold.  However, from the opening sequence with Schlaaang incorporated and Jeff Goldblum's cameo as Chef Goldblum, I found the whole thing a lot more entertaining and genuinely funny.  It helps being in a room full of Tim and Eric fans.  

Given that the vast majority of people that I've tried to convince about Awesome Show have failed to appreciate its brilliance, there is very little chance that the already unconverted will find anything enjoyable in Billion Dollar Movie.  The jokes range from excessively vulgar and pretty dark to being entirely ludicrous.  It certainly crosses lines in a way that Awesome Show or Tom goes to the mayor don't.  The tone is a bit more like their Just three boys sketch.  Nevertheless, if you find the world of Tim and Eric one worth inhabiting there is plenty here to find great amusement at.  Even when it isn't laugh out loud it is engagingly moronic.  I've seen people compare Billion Dollar movie to something David Lynch might make (because if anyone makes anything slightly surreal it must be 'Lynchian' Duuuuurgh!) but Tim and Eric are certainly not trying to make thought provoking art house cinema.  The only real Lynch connection is a cameo from the amazing Ray Wise (Leeland Palmer in Twin Peaks).  Billion Dollar movie is meant to be funny and silly, and it is, but I will never watch it with my parents.

After the show Tim and Eric came out and did a Q and A session.  I resisted the urge to join the queue. I can't cope with that much pressure.  Josh joined the back of the line.  I panicked. (please Josh don't say something stupid and get destroyed in public...)  There are certain rules about speaking to famous people, especially professional comedians in public.  Never, ever try and be funny.  Never try and out-funny them. Never try and make the moment about yourself.  Unfortunately a good few people in the line went either for funny quip or major sucking up. Of course they were absolutely destroyed by T and E.  They actually came across as quite mean in their willingness to make people look completely stupid in public, either through flat refusal to answer stupid questions, or by highlighting an unfortunate feature of their questioner.  That said, they answered proper questions seriously and respectfully, but this would be a brief interlude before more berating and making people uncomfortable.  It was pretty great.

Afterwards we all left, a few of us went to the fire exit out back where we were told to wait if we wanted pictures.  5 minutes later T and E showed up.  Amazingly all the people queuing for the later showing with live T and E commentary completely failed to notice that the stars of the film were right next to them.  This was good news because it meant we got to actually meet them, shake hands, exchange a few words and get a photo with them.  They were incredibly friendly, patient and obliging with the fans and got in the spirit of things.  Great job!


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