Saturday 1 September 2012

oxfam bookshop

The marvelous thing about a good charity shop is that you enter the doors of that eclectic tat merchants with out any comprehension of what goods you will come out with.  Of course, most charity shops sell little of interest unless you like women's clothes.  I do like them, on women.  But for my own browsing, I prefer books.  I particularly like a small Oxfam bookshop on Blatchington Road in Hove.

Last week i popped in and found The Parables of Jesus by Joachim Jeremias (a significant scholar of the twentieth century - even though this book may not be as up to date as Craig Blomberg's, and no doubt more recent ones still, Jeremias is a voice worth hearing on Jesus related issues).  I also found At the Drive-In's incredible album from 2000 - Relationship of Command.  Most albums that generated a nostalgic warmth as I think back to my days as a teenager are quite frankly embarrassing to listen to now.  Relationship of command is one of those albums that is both nostalgic and still remarkably brilliant.

I never expected to find either of these items, but it was a joy-invoking discovery.  It set me back a total of about £4.00, which is quite reasonable.

The question is, why go to some shiny emporium of mass produced nonsense, when you know exactly what sort of low grade dross you will find there?  Go to good charity shops and find treasures.

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