Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Theological Interpretation. What is it?

If you travel in theological circles you may have come across some of the following books and authors:

This is just a small sample of the numerous books that have appeared in the last few years that talk about 'Theological Interpretation of Scripture/The Bible', other titles out there opt for Theological Hermeneutics or Theological Commentary etc. A number of the books come from the good people at Baker Academic, though Continuum, Apollos and others are contributing. There is also a fairly new journal about theological interpretation. 'But what is Theological Interpretation of Scripture?' I hear you ask in that longing tone of yours. Well, I wasn't really sure either two years ago, so I decided that I would explore it for my MA dissertation. Over the coming days I will be uploading edited chunks of my dissertation for your information and entertainment.  Has the landscape changed since I wrote this paper back in Summer 2012? Undoubtedly. Do I have time to familiarise myself with developments and new literature? No. I'll just be late to the party.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

I'm looking for Thomas Aquinas

I'm back!

It is 2014, March. I will be uploading various pieces of theological writing over the next few days. Then on to some book reviews.